Sunday 3 August 2014

Non-Ebola related

I got some kind of a stomach bug yesterday, so I've spent most of the weekend lounging around the house on a strict diet of tea biscuits, the only very bland food I had.  Or, more precisely, the only food I had at all, besides some spicy peanuts.  So much for my grand plans to explore the market this weekend...

I'm happy to say it isn't Ebola.  As far as I know that virus still hasn't reached Cote d'Ivoire, but I'm staying away from bush meat and corpses anyway, because you can't be too careful.  And because they're bush meat and corpses.

All the same, thanks to my gastrointestinal situation, I haven't done anything particularly interesting this week.  So here is a picture of a ripening cacao pod (Cote d'Ivoire is the world's top cacao exporter, which is great for me, a top cacao consumer) and one of some rice fields not far from here.  Why is it that when my stomach is upset my mind always goes to food?

Hopefully more of interest (but not Ebola-level interest) next week.


  1. I have a hunch everyone of your friends must worry for you re. Ebola. So, I for one am relieved that it's 'only' gastrointestinal :-) Thank you for the photos. Interesting to find out about rice fields in Africa... I hope you find some great brands of chocolate!

  2. Love your updates! Hope your back on with your chocolate diet asap! <3

  3. Thanks! I'm definitely doing better, though not back to full chocolate diet yet! They have a brand here called Amigo that's not bad at all.
